Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (2024)


formerly mc56556

Dec 9, 2020

  • #1

Celebi @ Leftovers
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 HP / 76 SpA / 180 Spe
Timid Nature
- Calm Mind
- Giga Drain
- Hidden Power Fire
- Baton Pass

Celebi is one of the most versatile Pokemon in ADV OU. This set takes advantage of one of the few OU Gens in which Baton Pass is legal. Celebi is an excellent Baton Passer, given how easily it pivots in and how useful its coverage is for hitting checks. Celebi switches into and sets up on Zapdos and Swampert. Ideal recipients of Celebi's Calm Mind boosts include most notably Zapdos, but also offensive Swampert, Gengar, Moltres, Suicune, and some mixed variants of Metagross. Zapdos is such an effective partner to this set because it not only appreciates the Calm Mind boosts, but it can also use Agility and Baton Pass to pass the boosts to another recipient on the team. Giga Drain hits Tyranitar and Swampert hard, while Hidden Power Fire threatens Steel-types like Forretress, Skarmory, and Metagross, which can take out or phaze Celebi's Baton Pass targets.

Want to see this Celebi set in action? Check out this replay (https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/smogtours-gen3ou-420353) from Kevin Garrett vs. eden in SPL 10! Here is the team (https://pokepast.es/e129d0c6512541bb) it was used in as well!

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Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (3)Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (4)Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (5)Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (6)Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (7)Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (8)

Dec 9, 2020

  • #2

This needs to be reworked to emphasize the unique point about Baton Pass + stat boost. To add on, this is absent in new gens and hence not something that is familiar to most people.

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Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (10)Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (11)

Dec 10, 2020

  • #3

i put together some key important points to touch on here for you, it can be difficult to rewrite something you have spelt out already in ur head if you get me, if you could maybe put one point from each of the first 3 into the writeup, ofc this is just me scribbling down prose so its not the most word effective wording and has poor grammar etc but just breifly touching on each of those main points and maybe the last one if theres space would probably be an ideal spotlight to me.

key points of cm pass celebi

-it its the key member of special semi pass chains, to expand on this, celebi can pass cm boosts reliably vs any team if it has the correct coverage and support it will be incredibly difficult to stop. skarm can only take so many +1 hp fires to phase it, tyranitar can be dug trapped or if celebi carries grass coverage will take a heavfty chunk, zapdos and moltres get rocked hard by boosted psychic. and with such a great defensive typing you have plenty of chances to come in and boost up

-we are looking at a no momentum loss reliable switch in to most variants of suicune and zapdos, this is a very very valuable asset in a tier where ur other spdef options are snorlax which has a tendancy to get chipped and is often quite prediction or explosion reliant to make progress, or defensive celebi/ blissey who are abusable and often a little too passive for offense teams. i would probably touch on how it offers that defensive utility to special offense teams without losing momentum like a blissey or other recover spam poke would.

- i dont know how much they want you to focus on partners but zapdos is no.1 thanks to the double baton pass core they form, and after that while you listed some great ones, dont forget how scary mixed attackers are with a boost as well a +1 zapdos still cant beat a blissey 1v1 in its dreams, but a +1 mixed metagross with psychic, meteor mash and hp fire for example can threaten to crit or boost through blissey with meteor mash while also threatening to 2hko all of zapdos, moltres, swampert, skarm, metagross etc etc with the correct move being clicked.

- possibly talk about baton pass as dry pass as well, adv has no pivoting moves outside of BP so drypass is considered a very strong play, especially on celebi since it pairs great with trappers such as magneton and dugtrio who can enable its baton passing further by removing pokemon such as skarm and tar that would get in ur way by walling coverage and phasing.

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Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (13)Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (14)

Dec 19, 2020

  • #4

great job mate this looks really good now, just a few little things i think could be worded a little better and then that will be a QC 1/1 for me
changes made in blue and reasoning in red

mc56556 said:

Celebi @ Leftovers
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 HP / 76 SpA / 180 Spe
Timid Nature
- Calm Mind
- Giga Drain
- Hidden Power Fire
- Baton Pass

Celebi is one of the most versatile Pokemon in ADV OU. This set takes advantage of one of the few OU Gens in which Baton Pass is


baton pass is restricted, just not entirely banned, just a slight semantics mistake but there is a 3 baton passer limit on teams, you could probably just say, "where baton pass is legal" or something to that effect. Celebi is an excellent Baton Passer given its typing, STABs, and stat distribution. Ideal recipients of Celebi's Calm Mind boosts include most notably Zapdos, and also offensive Swampert, Gengar, Moltres, Suicune, and even mixed variants of Metagross (you can pass to non offensive swampert but the results are gonna be far less impressive, passing to offensive swampert is considerably more scary since it has focus punch for blissey and will be able to make progress out of the boost, as for metagross i wouldnt want to mislead people into thinking that all metagross are potent mixed attackers, just the ones that have special moves, feel free to word that however you like if you can think of a nicer sounding way of saying it. Zapdos is such an effective partner to this Celebi set because not only does it appreciate the CM boosts, but it can also Baton Pass the boosts again to another recipient on the team. On its own, Celebi is an effective Calm Mind sweeper as well; Giga Drain functions as a powerful STAB and also substitutes for Recover, while Hidden Power Fire threatens Steel-types like Forretress, Skarmory, and Metagross. Another reason this Celebi set is so useful on offense teams is that it is able to take Zapdos' Thunderbolts and Swampert's Hydro Pumps—normally effective offense-killers in the metagame.

so just those slight tweaks and this will be good to go, tag me or vapi once thats done and im sure that will do fine for a 1/1 check!
great job!

edit: tweaks were added, QC team are happy QC 1/1

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Banned deucer.

Dec 24, 2020

  • #5

mc56556 please don't forget about this.



Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (17)Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (18)Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (19)Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (20)Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (21)Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (22)

Dec 24, 2020

  • #6

As Past Gen C&C Mod in charge of ADV OU, I interjected over discord to seek approval from Estronic and Rabia to feature sample teams, and I wanted replays included as well. Please give us some time to sort this out.



Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (24)Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (25)Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (26)Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (27)Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (28)Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (29)

Dec 24, 2020

  • #7

Hi mc56556 , would you mind making the following changes?

mc56556 said:

Celebi is one of the most versatile Pokemon in ADV OU. This set takes advantage of one of the few OU Gens in which Baton Pass is legal. Celebi is an excellent Baton Passer given its

typing, STABs, and stat distribution

ease of pivoting in and coverage for hitting its checks. Celebi switches into and sets up on common Pokemon like Zapdos and Swampert. Ideal recipients of Celebi's Calm Mind boosts include most notably Zapdos, and also offensive Swampert, Gengar, Moltres, Suicune, and some Metagross variants for a potent mixed attacker. Zapdos is such an effective partner to this Celebi set because it not only appreciates the CM boosts, but it can also use Agility and Baton Pass the chain of boosts again to another recipient on the team.

On its own, Celebi is an effective Calm Mind sweeper as well;

Giga Drain

functions as a powerful STAB and also substitutes for Recover

hits Tyranitar and Swampert, while Hidden Power Fire threatens Steel-types like Forretress, Skarmory, and Metagross, all of which can either phaze or take out Celebi's Baton Pass targets.

Another reason this Celebi set is so useful on offense teams is that it is able to take Zapdos' Thunderbolts and Swampert's Hydro Pumps—normally effective offense-killers in the metagame.

(moved this point right after the 2nd sentence)

We will work out the details of replays and sample teams to feature with watermess

Happy holidays!


(bumpin' that)

Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (31)Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (32)Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (33)Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (34)Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (35)Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (36)

Jan 7, 2021

  • #8

vapicuno just checking in, have you decided on what replay and team you'd like to include in this? Additionally, does QC believe it's ready for GP?



Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (38)Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (39)Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (40)Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (41)Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (42)Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (43)

Jan 7, 2021

  • #9

This is not ready for GP yet. The changes I laid out have not been fully implemented.

watermess will be taking care of the replays and sample team(s). We will hear from him soon.



Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (45)Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (46)Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (47)Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (48)Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (49)Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (50)

Jan 7, 2021

  • #10

I was just informed that OP has just been edited to completion. Only issue to me now is the phrasing of Specifically... in the following, because it gives the impression that Zapdos is doing the Giga Draining instead of Celebi, but I guess that's more for GP to weigh in on.

mc56556 said:

Zapdos is such an effective partner to this set because it not only appreciates the CM boosts, but it can also use Agility and Baton Pass the boosts to another recipient on the team. Specifically, Giga Drain hits Tyranitar and Swampert hard,

QC 1/1 - this can proceed to GP and we'll add replays and teams later.


Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (52)Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (53)Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (54)Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (55)Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (56)Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (57)Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (58)Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (59)Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (60)Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (61)

GP & NU Leader

Jan 10, 2021

  • #11

mc56556 implement asap pls, shouldn't take too long to implement a check. if there are some extenuating circ*mstances we're not aware of let us know


επέκεινα της ουσίας

Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (66)Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (67)Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (68)Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (69)

Jan 13, 2021

  • #13

Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (70)


scatters things often

Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (72)Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (73)Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (74)Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (75)Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (76)Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (77)

Jan 13, 2021

  • #14

mc56556 said:

Want to wee this Celebi set in action?

Hey, I'm translating this set and caught a little typo. Pretty sure it's supposed to say "see". Have a good day :)


Stoïque fierté

Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (79)Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (80)Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (81)Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (82)Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (83)Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (84)Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (85)


Jan 16, 2021

  • #15

Add (AC=Add comma)
GP 1/1

Celebi @ Leftovers
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 HP / 76 SpA / 180 Spe
Timid Nature
- Calm Mind
- Giga Drain
- Hidden Power Fire
- Baton Pass

Celebi is one of the most versatile Pokemon in ADV OU. This set takes advantage of one of the few OU Gens in which Baton Pass is legal. Celebi is an excellent Baton Passer,(AC) given the ease with which how easily it pivots in and how useful its coverage is for hitting checks. Celebi switches into and sets up on Zapdos and Swampert. Ideal recipients of Celebi's Calm Mind boosts include most notably Zapdos, and but also offensive Swampert, Gengar, Moltres, Suicune, and some Metagross mixed variants for a potent mixed attacker of Metagross. Zapdos is such an effective partner to this set because it not only appreciates the CM Calm Mind boosts, but it can also use Agility and Baton Pass to pass the boosts to another recipient on the team. Giga Drain hits Tyranitar and Swampert hard, while Hidden Power Fire threatens Steel-types like Forretress, Skarmory, and Metagross, which can take out or phaze Celebi's Baton Pass targets.

Want to see this Celebi set in action? Check out this replay from Kevin Garrett vs. eden in SPL 10! Here is the PokePaste as well.

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Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU] (2024)


Old Gens - Celebi [ADV OU]? ›

Celebi is one of the most versatile Pokemon in ADV OU. With high stats across the board, it can easily run physically and specially defensive sets, momentum-maintaining Baton Pass sets with Calm Mind or Swords Dance, a special sweeper set, or a Substitute + Baton Pass set.

Is Celebi in Gen 3? ›

Celebi is the last Pokémon in the Johto Pokédex and Hoenn Pokédex in Generation III, although in the latter, Celebi is not shown.

What Gen is Celebi from? ›

Celebi is a Psychic/Grass type Pokémon introduced in Generation 2 .

Is Celebi Gen 2 or 3? ›

Celebi is a Legendary Pokémon that was originally introduced in Generation 2 within the Gold, Silver, and Crystal game series.

Is Celebi in Gen 4? ›

Celebi - Generation 4 learnset

This page lists all the moves that Celebi can learn in Generation 4, which consists of these games: Pokémon Diamond. Pokémon Pearl. Pokémon Platinum.


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